المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : فى ذكرى ميلاد المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم - أعظم قدوة فى الإسلام ( يالانجليزية)

جمال سراج
25-02-2010, 08:48 PM
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ونحن نتنسم عبق هذه الذكرى العطرة..
ذكرى ميلاد طه المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم .. خير خلق الله كلهم
إسمحوا لى أن أقدم هذه الكلمة البسيطة فى حقه صلى الله عليه وسلم ... عسى أن يكون شعيفى يوم لقاء الله تعالى

كنت قد شاركت بها فى منتديات أخرى

وهذه الكلمات هى إجتهاد من شخصى المتواضع .
تعلم مثل هذه الكلمات ... علمها لأولادك ومثلها كنوع من الثقافة التى نفقدها
عسى أن يكون ذلك شفيعا لك يوم القيامة

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The prophet Mohammad
The best example in Islam

The prophet Mohammad gave the world the best example for good conduct.
He didn,t share his people's immoral life, when they were on the wrong path before Islam. When he began his great message in Arabia, he spread it by example more than by speeches. He practiced rather than preached. So, he could guide his people to the right path of Islam. He called them to worship Allah alone. He fought against social evils. He spread the great principles of love, co-operation, tolerance, equality, freedom, justice and peace.

The prophet Mohammad devoted his life to service of Islam and man. He was an orphan from the beginning of his life. Yet he was a kind father to the fatherless. He filled their hearts with hope of God's mercy. He freed the slaves and helped the orphans and the widows . He was also helpful to the needy, the poor and the weak. He began his life as a hired shepherd. Then he went into business. Thus, he was poor. However, he was always honest, *******, patient and true. He taught people that HE MOST HONOURABLE WAY TO EARN LIVING MUST BE BY HONESTY AND EFFORT. So the Arabs called him " AL-Amin " – trustworthy.
The prophet Mohammad led a very simple and modest life. He seldom had a full

meal. Dates and water often formed his main food. He used to milk his she- goats and mend his torn clothes and shoes himself.

The character of the prophet Mohammad was noble. He showed great love and kindness to all people. He taught them the good treatment of children, wives and neighbours. He told them to do their duties before asking for their rights. He was just, kind, mild and gentle. He treated the poor and rich, the weak and the strong, and the friends and the strangers alike.
Thus, the prophet Mohammad set a good example to people while he was spreading the great teachings of the Islamic religion. He is the greatest and best example to be followed by man at all times and places in the world.

God says about the prophet Mohammad in the Holly Koran :
" we have sent the not save as mercy for all peoples. " ( 1 ) ( sura 21 – verse 107 )
" Verily, in the message of Allah ye have a good example " ( 2) ( sura 33 – verse 21 )
" And you are of an exalted standard of character " ( 3 ) ( sura 68 – verse 4 )

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" ( 1 )و ما أرسلناك إلا رحمه للعالمين " ( سوره 21 – آية 107 )
( 2 ) " لقد كان لكم في رسول الله أسوه حسنه " ( سوره 33 – آية 21 )
( 3 ) " و انك لعلي خلق عظيم " ( سوره 68 آية 4 )

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س ا يوسف
25-02-2010, 09:14 PM
اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد

نعمه محمود
26-02-2010, 01:23 AM
great love and kindness to all people. He taught them the good treatment of children, wives and neighbours. He told them to do their duties before asking for their rights. He was just, kind, mild and gentle. He treated the poor and rich, the weak and the strong, and the friends and the strangers alike.
Thus, the prophet Mohammad set a good example to people while he was spreading the great teachings of the Islamic religion. He is the greatest and best example to be followed by man at all times and places in the world.

the prophet Mohammad gives us a good example .Everyone must follow this great example thank you very much Mr Gamal for this great effort

مستر أشرف فوده
26-02-2010, 06:59 PM
Thanks, Mr Gamal
Good Topic

جمال سراج
08-07-2010, 10:04 PM
بارك الله فى حضراتكم جميعا
شرفنى مروركم
خالص احترامى