المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مراجعة انجليزى

مستر محمد حامد
04-04-2009, 03:56 PM
الازهر الشريف – قطاع المعاهد الازهرية
القسم العلمى
Mr Mohamed Sheir December Time :1:30 hour

1-Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
between A Reporter and a Professor during a press conference about a new drug
Reporter: Can this drug prolong human life?
Professor: Yes, we believe it can
Reporter: …………………(1)…………………?
Professor: Of course further tests will be done soon
Reporter: ..........................(2)..................... ........,please
Professor: It's quite complex subject to research and our process depends
on team -work
Reporter: Can people buy the drug now?
Professor: …………….….(3)…………………..the public yet
Reporter: What about its side effects ?
Professor: We hope ……….(4)………………….

2- Supply the missing parts in the following mini - dialogues:
Amira is trying to move the cupboard but it's very heavy. She asks for help
Amira : ...................... (2) .....................?
You :Certainly

3- Read the following, then answer the questions:

A famous professor was visiting a village one day. He sat in a café where the village men collected around his table to listen to him one subject after another. Finally one of the farmers said to the professor, “I’ll ask you a question, if you can’t answer it, you’ll pay me ten dollars. Then you ask me a question, and if I can’t answer it, I’ll pay you two dollars because you’re a man of great information, while I’m a simple farmer.”
The professor agreed, and the farmer asked his question: “What bird has one leg and four heads?". After thinking for a long time, the professor said he didn’t know, so he paid the farmer ten dollars. The professor then asked the farmer to answer his own question. “Sorry, but I don’t know either,” replied the farmer as he paid the professor two dollars.

A- Answer the following questions:

1- Where did the professor go?
2-Why did the farmer think the professor would know the answer?
3- How much did the farmer give the professor?

B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

4- The farmer took finally ……….dollars from the professor
a) six b) seven c) eight d) nine
5- The farmer is very.........
a) clever b) silly c) greedy d) naughty

4- Write a paragraph of five sentences about "Learning English"

1-Why do you learn English?
2-Do you like learning English?
3- How is English important for students?
4- Is English good for using computers?
5-How do businessmen use English?

5-Write a letter to your pen friend Ben who lives in England ,telling him about the best places he can visit in Egypt .Your name is Ali and you live at 12 Ahmed Shawky street , Menouf

6- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1. This place is not a suitable ……………..for a supermarket
a) extraction b) location c) destination d) station
2. She decided to go on a deit as she put …………..a lot of weight
a) up b) out c) on d) off
3. A………….helps women in childbirth
a) dentist b) midwife c)vet d) housewife
4. If he had studied well, he………….the best mark
a) would get b) will get
c) will be got d) would have got
5. The teacher blamed the boy, sitting in the last row.... the noise.
a) on b) with c) about d) for
6. It is a ..........to believe that an owl brings bad luck.
a) competition b) procession
c) superstition d) petition
7. She wouldn't mind if I didn't go,.........?
a) did she b) wouldn't she
c) hadn't she d) would she
8. You are wearing the shirt the other way round. It's.......
a) back to back b) back to front
c) odds and ends d) back and front
9. She asked me where I.... then.
a) stay b) did I stay
c) was staying d) am I staying
10.I wouldn't have reached this stage unless she.... me.
a) helped b) had helped
c) was helping d) would help

4- Rewrite the following sentences, using the words in brackets, to give the same meaning:
1- He missed the bus. He was late for work (If..............)
2- The students should be inside the classroom before the teacher's arrival.
3. If the team do not improve their game, they are going to lose the match (unless)
4. Samir told me that Ali had an accident ,and I telephoned the hospital at once (as soon as.)
5- He has lived in Cairo since 2002. (for)

7- The Novel
1-Why did Samira ask Leila to tell Dr Hafez to take care of her?
2- What were the Chimu famous for?
3-What made Leila study archeology?
4- Why did Dr Hafez send for Leila to work with him in Peru?
5. How did Amalia feel towards Leila ?Why?
7) Translate into Arabic:
We have to develop industry and production and rationalize the consumption to raise the standard of living and secure job opportunities for youth and solve the economic problems.
Translate into English:
1-يجب ان تذاكر جيداً
2-تعاون مع اصداقائك

الازهر الشريف – قطاع المعاهد الازهرية
القسم العلمى
Mr Mohamed Sheir March Time :1:30 hour

1-Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
between A Reporter and a Professor during a press conference about a new drug
Reporter: Can this drug prolong human life?
Professor: Yes, we believe it can
Reporter: …………………(1)…………………?
Professor: Of course further tests will be done soon
Reporter: ..........................(2)..................... ........,please
Professor: It's quite complex subject to research and our
process depends on team -work
Reporter: Can people buy the drug now?
Professor: …………….….(3)…………………..the public yet
Reporter: What about its side effects ?
Professor: We hope ……….(4)………………….
2- Supply the missing parts in the following mini - dialogues:
1 – Kareem apologizes for making Magdy wait for too long .
Kareem :I'm sorry you had to wait all that time
Magdy :...................... (1) ...................

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. My brother has applied for a .... job for the summer months.
a) permanent b) auxiliary c) temporary d) partial
2. My mother thinks that 13 is an unlucky number. This is a....
a) fancy b) fiction c) fact d) superstition
3. Papyrus is made by laying ... of reeds side by side and crossing them with other ones.
a) strips b) steps c) sides d) slides

4. Some people think that it..... an asteroid that hit the Earth and killed the dinosaurs.
a) must be b) can't be
c) must have been d) will have been
5. The teacher blamed the boy, sitting in the last row.... the noise.
a) on b) with c) about d) for
7. She wouldn't mind if I didn't go,.........?
a) did she b) wouldn't she
c) hadn't she d) would she
8. You are wearing the shirt the other way round. It's.......
a) back to back b) back to front
c) odds and ends d) back and front
9. She asked me where I.... then.
a) stay b) did I stay c) was staying d) am I staying
10.1 wouldn't have reached this stage unless she.... me.
a) helped b) had helped
c) was helping d) would help
11. Astronomers can ..... when eclipses occur.
a) prevent b) protect
c) predict d) protest
12. This airline flies to many ... around the world.
a) destinations b) goals c) aims d) delegations
13. The old man is not happy. ... his big fortune.
a) although b) but c) however d) despite
14. Sometimes farmers .......... infected trees to protect other plants.
a) grow b) prune c) browse d) fertile
15......... book was the one you were pointing at?
a) Who b) Whose c) Where d) How much
16. We can tell the age of a tree by counting the rings in the....
a) leaf b) bark c) truck d) trunk
4-Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets, to give the same meaning:
1. He told the policeman that he hadn't heard any voice, (denied)
2. If the team do not improve their game, they are going to lose the match (unless)
3. It is not necessary for you to attend the Board meeting
(don't have to).
4. You mustn't talk during the test. ( supposed to)
5. Samir told me that Ali had an accident ,and I telephoned the hospital at once (as soon as.)

6-Re ad the following passage and answer the questions:
We have a big, well arranged library in our school. There is an efficient librarian in charge of it. He always renders great services to all students and teachers as well. Students of the school may borrow books from this library, but they may not lend them to others without the permission of the librarian. Students are allowed to borrow two books at a time. They may keep these books for any length of time up to two weeks. If they don't return them by the time agreed upon, they may not be allowed to borrow any more.
The library has a reference section. The books in this section may not be taken away. There are also magazines and newspapers in the library. These, like the reference books, may not be borrowed. There are a number of rules for behaviour in the library. The librarian thinks that students ought to put back the books in their correct places on the shelves. Students have to write down their names and the titles of the books they borrow in the library register. They ought to leave magazines and newspapers in good condition. Students may not talk in the library or disturb others there. They, also ought to keep reasonably quiet when they are passing along outside the library.
A- Answer the following questions:
1- Why should library visitors be quiet?
2- Why is it necessary for the students to put books back in their proper placess?
3- What things may not be borrowed in a school library?
B- Choose the correct answer:
4- Borrowers are punished when they ..........................
a) keep rules b) keep books in their praper places
c) read references d) do not return the books in time
5- A librarian is the person who ........................
a) borrows books b) lends books
c) sells books d) writes books.
D- The Novel
1- Why did Dr Hafez send for Leila to work with him in Peru?
2. How did Amalia feel towards Leila ?Why?
3. Why did Martin Lander go to the tomb in the middle of the night?
4. The Incas killed women and servants why?
How did the villagers helped Liela and Amalia?
(8) Write two paragraphs, of five sentences each about:
"Thinking about the future" What will life be like then? Will it be better, worse or the same as now ?What do you hope about the future ?Think about technology, medicine .education . war and peace , food , work ,people , and other things of your choice
9- A- Translate into Arabic:
In her speech entitled "Culture: The Most Effective Language of Peace, "Mrs. Mubark assured that definitions of peace vary. For many ,it means absence of war and violence, while others see that it represents the quest for inner peace and security. But for many peace is a prerequisite for development and democracy.
B- Translate into English:
حصلت مصر على كأس الأمم الأفريقية هذا العام ،محققة بذلك إنجازاً عظيماً
Ministry of Education
General Secondary Education Certificate Examination,2007
Second Stage Jan.. (ث ع 2002 ) Time :2:00 hours

1-Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
between Ibrahim And a salesman in a big store:
Salesman : Can I help you , sir?
Ibrahim : Yes, please ...........(!)............
Salesman : A complaint? what about?
Ibrahim :About the TV set I bought last week.
Salesman : ..........(2)............
Ibrahim : The screen is very dark.
Salesman :But I had tried the set before you took it, .........(3).........
Ibrahim : I know you had. However, when I went home, I discovered this fault. Salesman : .........(4)........... ?
Ibrahim : Yes, I have the guarantee certificate. Here it is.
2- Say where these min dialogues take place and who the speakers are:
1- A : When did you graduate?
B: In 1995.
A: Do you speak English fluently?
B: Yes, sir I have worked as a translator in
a big company for two years.
2- A: How can I help you?
B: Well, my car has been stolen! A: How?
B: I had parked it last night in front of my
house in Ramses street. In the morning it wasn't there!
A:What make is it?
A : ..... B: BMW.
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. My brother has applied for a .... job for the summer months.
a) permanent b) auxiliary c) temporary d) partial
2. My grandmother thinks that 13 is an unlucky number. This is a....
a) fancy b) fiction c) fact d) superstition
3. Papyrus is made by laying ... of reeds side by side and crossing them with other ones.
a) strips b) steps c) sides d) slides

4. Some people think that it..... an asteroid that hit the Earth and killed the dinosaurs.
a) must be b) can't be c) must have been d) will have been
5. The teacher blamed the boy, sitting in the last row.... the noise.
a) on b) with c) about d) for
6. The prisoner .... himself to the gate of the prison as a protest.
a) linked b) connected c) chained d) associated
7. She wouldn't mind if I didn't go,.........?
a) did she b) wouldn't she c) hadn't she d) would she
8. You are wearing the shirt the other way round. It's.......
a) back to back b) back to front c) odds and ends d) back and front
9. She asked me where I.... then.
a) stay b) did I stay c) was staying d) am I staying
10.1 wouldn't have reached this stage unless she.... me.
a) helped b) had helped c) was helping d) would help
11. Astronomers can ..... when eclipses occur.
a) prevent b) protect c) predict d) protest
12. This airline flies to many ... around the world.
a) destinations b) goals c) aims d) delegations
13. The old man is not happy. ... his big fortune.
a) although b) but c) however d) despite
14. Sometimes farmers .......... infected trees to protect other plants.
a) grow b) prune c) browse d) fertile
15......... book was the one you were pointing at?
a) Who b) Whose c) Where d) How much
16. We can tell the age of a tree by counting the rings in the....
a) leaf b) bark c) truck d) trunk
4-Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets, to give the same meaning:
1. She has a very sweet voice, but she does not want to be a singer.
(in spite of........)
2. He told the policeman that he hadn't heard any voice, (denied)
3. It is not necessary for you to attend the Board meeting
(don't have to).
4. Someone said that he had seen Sami at school, but Sami was in Alexandria. ( Sami can't........)
5. In the coming years, we will do most of our shopping on the internet. (…………be………..)
5-Read and then write notes on the passage:
Elephants are the biggest living land animals alive today. For a long time, elephants have helped people. They have carried things, taken people from place to place, and moved huge trees. In wartime, they have been used as , living tanks. Some people believe that elephants are afraid of mice, This is not true. In fact, elephants have such poor eyesight that they would usually not see a mouse even if one came very near them.
Elephants are helpful:
They helped people by .....(1)..... from one place to another.
In wartime: People .....(2)..... elephants as living tanks.
Eyesight: They have very .....(3)......
6-Re ad the following passage and answer the questions:
Many experts believe there are too many people in the world. Unless there are big changes in the way people think about the number of children they should have, the world's population will double in 25 years. There will be more than 20 cities with populations greater than 20 million. Now there is only one. Some people- who do not understand what, overpopulation, means- point to countries such as Australia and say, "There is plenty of room there". Although most of Australia is unpopulated, and much of it is thinly populated, there are reasons for this. Firstly, much of the land is desert and waterless, and secondly, even the land that is not desert is not suitable for anything, not even growing grass. Another major problem we shall have to face as the world's population grows, is a shortage of energy. We are using up coal and oil and when they have been used up, we shall have to find something to take their place. It is true that we can make electricity from the heat of the sun and moving water, but we do not yet have the technology to do this in a big way. Perhaps, the biggest problem we shall have when the world's population doubles will be pollution. The air we breathe is already badly polluted.
A- A- Answer the following questions:
1. How many present cities have a population of over 20 million?
2. According to the passage, why is a great area of Australia unpopulated?
3. Mention two problems we will face as a result of overpopulation.
4. What does the underlined word refer to ?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
5. In order to prevent the world's population from being doubled, there must be a change in.......
a) the methods of agriculture, b) sources of energy.
c) the way people think about the number of children they should have.
d) the education of the great numbers of children.
6. When coal and oil have been used up, we shall.....
a) search for other sources of energy.
b) wait for scientists to solve the problem.
c) use computers instead
d) try to do without them or any other kind.
7. We do not make electricity from the heat of the sun on a large scale because........
a) we don't have the required money b) it is harmful.
c) we don't have the technology needed for that.
d) it is just impossible.
D- The Novel
1- What similarities were there between the ancient Egyptians and the Incas?
2. How did Dr Hafez and his group date the cloth they found inside the tomb?
3. Why did Martin Lander go to the tomb in the middle of the night?
B- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
"It's like the face of the sun. Look at the sun's rays. how wonderful!."
1. Who said these words?
2. What was the speaker describing?
3. Who found that precious object?
C- Complete:
1. The Incas killed women and servants and buried them with the king so that........
2. The customs at Lima let Leila through when .........
3. Although the Incas didn't have any writing, ............
(8) Write two paragraphs, of five sentences each about:
The advantages of buying local products labelled "Made in Egypt" Guiding points:
Great variety. - Egyptian taste. Cheaper prices. - Help local industries. Work opportunities - National income.
9- A- Translate into Arabic:
Many people like to collect things like stamps, for example. Some stamp collections are very valuable. Usually the fewer the number of people who have a stamp in their collections, the more valuable that
stamp is.
B- Translate into English:
إن حفلات الزفاف مناسبات هامه فى كل بلد وهناك تقاليد للزفاف تختلف باختلاف البلد
Ministry of Education
General Secondary Education Certificate Examination,2007
Second Stage May Test Time :2:00 hours

1-Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Parents are in the living room talking to their son who has turned the TV so loudly and to their daughter who is on the phone leaving her books and clothes on the floor.
Mr Ali: Maged …………….. Maged! Turn down the TV a little, please.
Maged: Oh, but this ……………….(1)…………………. Progrmme!
Mr Ali: I know. But it's ………………(2)………………… .
Maged: Ok. I'll turn it down.
Mrs Ali: Dina, please ……………………….(3)……………… . They're all over the living room floor.
Dina: In a minute, Mam. I'm on the phone.
Mrs Ali: Ok. But do it as soon as ..................(4).......................
Dina: Sure. No problem!
Mrs Ali: Goodness! were we like this when we were kids?
Mr Ali: Definitely
2- Say where these min dialogues take place and who the speakers are:
1- A: Your son has two decayed teeth.
B: What do you recommend?
A: They have to be pulled out as they are completely damaged.
B: As there is no other way out, please do.

2- A: Twenty litres, please
B: Sorry. the pump is out of order.
A: I'm nearly out of petrol. Where can I find another?
B: There's another one next to the bank over there.
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. This is a big table and it will .......................... . a lot of space
a) take care b) take out c) take up d) take off
2- At present making paper is .................... because it is made from crushed wood.
a) more expensive b) less expensive c) not expernsive at all d) too cheap
3- CD-ROMs are computer ………………… which can store a mass of information.
a) tapes b) films c) flashcards d) disks
4- Multimedia CD-ROMs can contain .........................
a) only a text b) only sound
c) a text, music and still and moving pictures d) only still pictures
5- Eid El-Fitr and Eid El-Adha are the two most important ................. for the Moslims.
a) parties b) feasts c) processions d) traditions
6- The Chinese people bang drums on New Year's Day to ..................... evil spirits.
a) frighten b) please c) attract d) improve
7- Ramadan is a ....................... feast.
a) political b) harvesting c) religious d) independent
8- ……………… is the opposite of ancestors.
a) Descendants b) Ancient c) Forefathers d) predecessors
9- The continuing existence of animals and plants which are best adapted to their surroundings is known as the ................. of the fittest.
a) surrounding b) survival c) fitness d) surrender
10- The craftsman who perfectly does his work and gets money for it is ...................
a) professor b) an amateur c) a master d) a professional
11- We used to have a military ……………. On Victory Day.
a) attack b) parade c) conflict d) withdrawal
12- A bareback horse is the one which …………………..
a) has a saddle b) is very fast c) takes part in races d) doesn't have a saddle
13- A ................. horse is the one whose rider falls off during the race.
a) rider's b) riderless c) bareback d) chosen
14- Most actors are happy to leave stunts to professional …………….
a) actors b) photographers c) stuntmen d) directors
15- Shots of a stuntman in action are edited .................. the film between shots of the actor.
a) before b) into c) after d) for
16- …………………… graduates are those who run their own business
a) Employment b) Self centred c) Self-employed d) Self confident

4-Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets, to give the same meaning:
1- She can't be pessimistic. (optimistic)
2- The bank lent him 2 million dollars to start his business. (borrowed)
3- He studies science at the university, but he does't want to be a scientist. (Although)
4- I can't give up smoking but I would like to. (If only .................)
5- "It took me ages to understand the character of my boss. (Ayman said that ...................)
5-Read and then write notes on the passage:
At the age of 40, Tom was the head of H & R Block, a huge company that helps people prepare their tax forms. He was very successful. Although Block earned a lot of money, he wasn't very happy: He spent too much time at work and didn't have enough time to spend with his family. Suddenly, he left H & R Block and became a teacher in a poor neighbourhood. "I wanted to ………….. Help people who didn't have the opportunities I had," Tom explained.
Services offered by H & R Block………1…………..
Tom's previous advantages ……………2……………..
Tom's final decision.....(3)......
6-Re ad the following passage and answer the questions:
The common cold is the most frequent of all diseases. At any given moment, about one out of every eight people has one. Most people get colds by touching things that a person with a cold has used. You can even catch a cold by shaking hands. So, if someone you know has a cold, you should not use the same cups, glasses, dishes or telephone.
Although there is no permanent cure for the cold,doctors believe that vitamins can help prevent one. Many doctors recommend vitamin C to prevent colds, and some doctors suggest that you take large amounts of it when you begin to get sick. Yet it is not really known whether vitamin C is truly helpful.
The body needs healthy food to fight a cold. If you have a cold, you should eat well, but not overeat, and you should drink lots of liquids, especially juices. Also be sure to get enough rest and stay warm. If your body aches, you can take one or two aspirins every four hours. Some research shows that taking aspirin can make your cold last longer.
When you have a cold, you should also try to protect other people. Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Put all your used tissues in a paper bag and throw away the bag yourself so that no one else will have to touch it. Wash all objects that you touch with very hot water before anyone else uses them
A- Answer the following questions:
1- How is the common cold infections?
2- What is needed to fight a cold?
3- What should you do if a member of your family has got a cold?
4- What should you do so as not to infect other people?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
5- Aspirin is ..................... useful for the treatment of colds
a) always b) never
c) sometimes d) hardly
6- The common cold spreads .......................................
a) rarely b) seldom
c) slowly d) frequently
7- When a person has a cold, he should eat ....................
a) more food b) less food
c) expensive food d) good food
D- The Novel
1- What trick did Dr Hafez play on Pablo to make him reveal his secret?
2- Why did Dr Hafez congratulate Leila and say she was wonderful and amazing?
3- What surprise did Leila have on coming back to Cairo?
B- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
"I sent a team to the village near Acomayo and they think it really is an Inca site".
1- Who was the first person to recognize that site?
2- Why was a team sent to that village?
3- Who was supposed to lead the team excavating the new site?
C- Complete:
1- Amalia envied Leila because .......................
2- As it was a matter of life and death, the doctor insisted on ...............................
3- The police assured Dr Hafez that ..........................

(8) Write Write a letter to your friend Huda thanking her for the dinner she had invited you to, showing your admiration of the night. Tell her that you liked the food and enjoyed the gathering
Your name is Suheir and you live at 45 El Nozha Street, Nasr City, Cairo

9- A- Translate into Arabic:
Protection against disease can be different from one person to another and from one season to another. Summer diseases protection can be effectively performed by following rules of cleanliness. On the other hand. Keeping warm and avoiding air currents is the only way to good health all the year round.
B- Translate into English:
لم تعد كرة القدم تعتمد على المهارات الفردية بل تعتمد على الخطط المدروسة.

أبوبكر أحمد العملة
09-06-2010, 03:41 AM
بارك الله لك.... في كل لحظة وثانية ودقيقة وساعة ويوم وشهر وسنة

ببوابة التعليم المصرى

وجزاكم الله خيراً

الخدمة الجيدة ....تحتاج الى التسويق الأجود

مع خالص تقديرى لشخصكم الكريم
ابوبكر احمد العملة
عضو فريق مجتمع المعرفة بالمنتدى الكريم

10-06-2010, 07:39 PM
Thank you very much

27-09-2010, 05:50 AM
والله ما قصرت